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Camper Van Life

Camper Van Life

Camper Van Life

We are writing the next chapter and it’s called the Camper Van Life. So far, the Spanish life has agreed with me and my body temperature 😊 . We’ve now invested in a camper van as a way to scout out different areas of Spain as we search for our permanent home. This is just a wee post to keep everyone up to speed and to introduce you to our new digs. 

She’s a low mileage 2013 Citroen Relay. Having had nothing but car problems since arriving here, the decision was made to get something more reliable. Now that I’ve written that sentence, surely I’ve jinxed it, but there, it’s out there. So far, Catraoine’s boyfriend, Harry and his mate Jack, have driven this across England, the length of France, down to Seville. I swapped the car for the van there where Harry and Jack took the keys to the car for the return journey.

Travelling to Madrid

This weekend, the three of us will test the camper van life out on a trip to Madrid. I am meeting a well known marathon runner from the social media world there. Carleth Keys is currently training for Berlin and the Valencia Marathon is next up. We’ve never been to Madrid and we are all looking forward to the trip and seeing if the camper van life suits us.  

Some Photos of the Camper Van Life

Below are some photos of the new camper van. We really like the layout and the comfort. In order to fully appreciate it we’ll need to get some nights away. Chief is coming along for the wee holiday weekend. Hopefully he adjusts to the confined space. I’ll post updates along our travels and let everyone know how we are getting on. Until then, wish us luck; we are going to need all of it. And if anyone has any advice or experiences to share with us, please, please, please comment! Thanks in advance.


camper van life
camper van kitchen
Dining room
Inside van
The bathroom
Van bed
The bedroom

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