Sports nutrition isn’t rocket science, but it makes a significant difference in performance on the day, no matter what your goals are.  Making matters somewhat more complicated is that each of us has our own individual requirements and limitations.  What works for one body won’t necessarily work for someone else’s.  There are a number of different fuelling strategies as well and you will need to find the one that works best for you.  Whether you follow a standard balanced diet of protein, carbs and fats or keep your body in ketosis with protein and fats or perhaps you are vegetarian or vegan you must get your nutrition right on race day in order to be at your peak level.

There are different meals and foods to take depending in on what exactly you are trying to accomplish.  Pre-race nutrition will almost certainly be different from post-race nutrition.  In-race nutrition will be different once again.  Get the variables correct on race day and see your goals hit.  Get them wrong and feel the pain.  In the ‘A Heart For Running’ posts regarding nutrition the aim is to provide some useful information and recipes for runners and athletes who are looking to fine-tune their nutrition and put all the pieces together and achieve the most gains from all their hard work.  

The good news is that there are so many exceptional options out there and it doesn’t have to be complicated or overly time consuming.  Some time spent thinking ahead and being prepared is all it takes to begin making good quality food decisions going forward and making your targets that much closer to fruition.

Beef Chilli

Beef Chilli

As  winter approaches, we tend to think of more hearty foods,  especially when we return from a cold, wet run. Beef Chilli is one of

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Sweet Chilli Turkey Bowl

This is a simple recipe that is great for adding lean protein and complex carbohydrates.  Perfect for a post run meal and simply packed with

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Post-Run Protein

Post workout meals are best served with a good balance of protein and complex carbohydrates.  Many endurance athletes neglect to take in enough protein in

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