This is a race report for a marathon
249 marathon project week 9 update
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 9 UpdateFor the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 9 Update it feels as though the corner may have been turned. After a few tough weeks of low energy and feeling drained, there are some signs of better things on the horizon. There were a couple of good, positive sessions and…
249 marathon project week 10 training banner
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 10 TrainingFor The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 10 Training sessions I am practicing what I preach. Specifically, being flexible with the plan. Generally speaking, I'm following a training regime that has proven to be successful over the previous three years. I find it to be a good balance of…
2:49 Marathon Project Week 8 Update Banner
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 8 Update For the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 8 Update, all I can say is, what a difference a week makes. For the first time in perhaps 3 years of hard marathon training, I'm feeling drained. I've been speculating on why I'm finding it hard to pick up and…
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 9 Training Banner
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 9 Training For The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 9 Training sessions I am giving myself another cutback week. So far, I've been hitting some fairly decent volume weeks, but I know in the weeks coming, this will be ramping up. It's time to give my body some recovery in…
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 7 Update
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 7 UpdateFor the 2:49 Marathon Project Week 7 Update, everything is going pretty damn good so far. That's not to say all is perfect, but I really can't complain about anything. The metrics look good, I feel good, and my running is going in the right direction. Week 7…
The 249 Marathon Project week 8 training cover
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 8 Training For The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 8 Training sessions I am building off what I learned in week 6. In week 6, I struggled to hit my Sunday long run split session and the almost marathon pace miles thrown in. On that run, I was under the…
249 Marathon Project Week 6 Update
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 6 UpdateFor the 2:49 Project Week 6 update, I'm pleased to say it was good to build on what was a positive week 5. This week, I completed every session and hit most of my targets. It's important to remember that targets are just that, something to shoot for.…
249 Marathon Project Week 7 training Sessions
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 7 Training For The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 7 Training I will be building on the momentum I've been gathering. In week 7 there are a few good challenging sessions and the weekly volume is building. The temperatures in this part of Southern Spain really cooled off in week…
249 Marathon Project Week 5 Update
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 5 UpdateThe 2:49 Project Week 5 was a very positive week. As in everything in life, it is very seldom all smooth sailing, but when looking at it on the whole, the decrease in volume helped me get my head back in the game. I still had some good…
The 249 Marathon Project Week 6 Training Sessions
The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 6 TrainingFor The 2:49 Marathon Project Week 6 Training it is back to building up by adding more volume and more intensity once again. I can't explain why, but on a cutback week, like week 5, I tend to feel pretty lousy. Not physically, but mentally, for some strange…